While making a new banner for my internet-themed park project & resort, I decided to add more to it (see list of what I've included):
1. Amusement Park (with Rides).
2. Advanced-Tech Resort (with Education Camps & Support-Center for Homeless).
3. Game Studio.
4. Comic-Art Studio.
5. Movie Studio.
6. Business Offices (with Web-Hosting Data Center).
Internet WWWorld park is going to feature the following things:
- Anti-gravity rides.
- Man-made volcanoe able to shoot people out of it.
- Water-slides
- Sports Arena(s) reserved for athletes (teams) sponsored & managed by Website companies.
NOTE: I've been thinking about designing a sports-facility for internet-companies for a while. To give you a better idea, just think of sports-teams sponsored by popular social-networks (online communities) and companies, such as Reddit, Digg, and StumbleUpon. They'd be given the opportunity to come to that park or anywhere in the world that would facilitate sports games (or even digital games). Each of the teams would be given sports-jerseys, coaches (if necessary), and if they're team recruited enough talented athletes/players, they could compete against teams that belong to professional associations, such as NBA, NFL, and MLB.
I plan to design a few jerseys for Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon, NewGrounds, and other internet-related companies, who may be interested in starting sports teams in real life.
Internet WWWorld park would be adjacent or a part of a huge network of guest-hotels, learning-center (featuring an Internet-History Museum), and homeless shelters supported by kind communities.
My art empire will be divided into 4 groups:
1. Game Company
2. Comic-Art Company
3. Movie Company
That's where my websites are going to be hosted & managed. Both - my online social network/community (People On The Internet) & company Internet WWWorld United will work together to promote & support the work, yet to be established.
Thanks! My company and community save those sort of messages. So we're not simply deleting comments, and forgetting the addresses, from which they came.