Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Save Linda Carty - British grandmother facing execution in Texas

iPetitions: Save Linda Carty - British grandmother facing execution in Texas

"Read more about Linda's disastrous case here. Follow Linda's case on: Reprieve, Facebook, or Twitter

British grandmother Linda Carty is the victim of one of the worst miscarriages of justice suffered by a British citizen in recent times. She will be executed within months by the state of Texas unless there is a worldwide campaign to save her.

Linda desperately needs your help. Please sign this petition by SCROLLING DOWN the page.

PLEASE NOTE: iPetitions is getting massive traffic. If you cannot sign the petition please email your name, email address and any comment to: info@reprieve.org.uk and we will sign the petition for you.

*** IMPORTANT: after signing up you are given the choice to donate to iPetition; this is purely optional (it will not go to Linda) so to help Linda please give to Reprieve instead -- your name will be added to the petition regardless of whether you donate. ***"